How can I Create a New Career?
How do I create a new career path? Naturally as a Career Coach, this question is one that is frequently asked. Facilitating positive change in people’s careers and lives more broadly, is at the core of what we do at Career Space.
So why does career change look so effortless for some, and feel so challenging for others? Sometimes it can be a matter of timing. But more often, it’s as simple as understanding that energy does indeed flow, where your attention goes. In basic terms; do the work, get the results.
In practice this looks something like this:
Support - Career confidence and self-belief can be low when you’re at the point of wanting change. To counter this and to enable you to move forward despite these feelings, it helps to have someone on your team, backing you, and believing in you. Engage someone you feel you can trust and who will have your back.
Get the Basics Right - Have someone with expertise in career change and/or hiring, review your CV and offer constructive input. Your CV is your personal brand on paper. It’s critical your CV reflects your unique value proposition and your capability. The same applies to your Cover Letters and LinkedIn profile.
Clarity - Know your key skills, areas of expertise, and what type of career will feel aligned to your personal values. Once you have this clarity, you will feel comfortable discerning what is right for you, and also communicating the value you can add; talking about what you can bring to a role, organisation, or your own business.
Accountability - The overwhelm when faced with wanting or needing to make a change, is real. This often presents as procrastination. The solution is having someone hold you accountable to achieving the steps and actions required to create positive change.
Expertise - If you’re feeling uncertainty about how to best navigate career change, engage someone with expertise in this field. This may be a career coach, or possibly a recruiter with knowledge, networks and experience in your field.
Cast Your Net - Communication really is key. Make a list of key networks. Tell those you’re comfortable telling, that that you’re looking at new opportunities and what you’re interested in. Engage the relevant recruitment agencies in your space. Pick up the phone where possible; there is power in verbal communication.
Focused Action - Create a plan and take one small action each day in the direction you wish to head. Do this over time, and you are guaranteed to end up in a different place. Much like a plane travelling 1 degree ‘off course’ over a prolonged period…its’ end destination will be very different. Experiment, reflect on your results along the way, and follow up where required.
So, here’s to the most satisfying changes in life; the changes you can create by applying continued focus and intention, by showing up, and by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
This blog is dedicated to the many inspiring clients I have had the privilege of coaching, who have done the work, and got the results.