The Career Message in what You Feel

“When it comes to your career, and life in general, your emotions are the most important messages you will receive regarding what needs to change. Listen to them – they are telling you something.”

When your career feels aligned to your personal values and potential, there’s little cause for question. Things feel in flow and whilst you have the odd tough day at work, it’s the exception rather than the norm. But what about when you feel uncomfortable emotions in your career? The ones deemed ‘negative’ like; flat, uncertain, overwhelmed or powerless? These so-called negative emotions are like street lights, helping to guide you along your career path.

I recently wrote about waiting for a ‘career catalyst’ in the article The Career Safe Zone.  A career catalyst can be described as one of those monumental career moments that direct you to the point of no return. It may be something that happens to you, or something you witness. You just know with certainty that things cannot remain as they are. I recall one such occasion with such clarity. I’d dragged myself into work unwell (a decade ago, so well before covid!), convinced that it was a matter of life or death that I produced a piece of work that had to be done on that particular day. I wasn't enjoying the job and had been dreaming of a career change for some time. My manager asked me a simple question. Exhausted and unwell I retorted with a very rude reply. I instantly knew I’d overstepped the mark, excused myself, and left the office for the day. I’d known my time was up in this job well before that day but I had ignored all the subtle signals and tried to force down the emotions I felt. It took me another five months to decide on my next move and resign, but it made me re-think everything that day - my boundaries, my priorities, my direction, my happiness but most of all, my choice that day - why I thought my job was more important than my wellbeing.

When it comes to your career, and life in general, your emotions are the most important messages you will receive regarding what needs to change. Listen to them – they are telling you something. Accept them, acknowledge them and don’t bury them because long-term, they will not be silenced. Recognise what career values are truly yours, and which may have been unconsciously accepted as yours under the guise of what fits for someone else, should fit for you. What your partner, parent, friend or colleague deems to be a ‘wonderful’ job may evoke entirely different emotions in you. And that’s ok. 


What is Career Coaching & What are the Benefits?


The Career Safe-Zone