Career Happiness & Resistance to Change

Career happiness is proportionate to the extent to which we do not resist change. Pause for a moment and reflect on your career to date, and you will know this to be true.

It is human to resist change. Your mind is wired to be twice as likely to focus on a negative outcome from change, than it is a positive outcome. Why is this important? Because this makes you fear change. Yet it is change that creates growth; both personal and professional.

Change increases your relevancy, your relatability, your skillset, your opportunities, your network, your connections, your courage, and your contribution.

Change can be big. A new job, a new career direction, starting or buying a business, or ‘starting over’.

Change can also be small, yet equally meaningful. Having that conversation, creating that boundary, understanding your options, getting clear on direction, asking for support, or owning your development.

In every moment you have the opportunity to step forward into growth, or to step back into safety. So ask yourself; what change are you going to lean into for yourself during 2025?

To work together 1:1 via career coaching or to book a one-off career strategy session please reach out today. I’d be delighted to work together to co-design the change that’s on your mind.


Career Success, Uncertainty & Alignment